Sending Correct Dither Pixel Value to PHD2

Issue #1096 closed
Wayne Hixson created an issue

When the image scale for the main camera and the guide camera are different, the dither pixel amount sent to PHD2 needs to be scaled by the ratio of the image scales in the two cameras. For my imaging camera, an OSC, I want to dither 20 pixels. The image scale of the camera is 0.89"/pixel at 871 mm FL. The image scale of the guide camera, an OAG, is 1.5"/pixel also at 871mm FL. The correct pixel value to send PHD2 is 20*0.89/1.5=11.9 (or12) pixels. Now NINA has both image scales and can do the calculation prior to sending the value to PHD2.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    3.x will show the info about the guider pixel scale and application pixel scale based on the settings. The pixel setting in nina will remain to be guider pixels, but with the info provided it is easy to tell which is which

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