PHD graph shows corrections that didn't happen

Issue #11 resolved
Alistair M created an issue

The PHD graph in NINA shows dec corrections in both directions, even when the dec algorithm is set to one direction only in PHD.

It seems to be that we're seeing the corrections that PHD would have made if only it was allowed to correct dec in both directions.

There may be nothing we can do about that, it might be a bug in PHD's API.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    NINA is just receiving events containing the correction info. So this seems like an issue from the PHD2 server. As a side note: you can also see the Dither corrections in NINA which are not displayed in PHD2.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Can't be solved. NINA is just processing the messages sent from PHD2 Server and there is no indicator if the guide pulse was actually sent to the mount or not.

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