It does not bring the Stellarium coordinate

Issue #1101 resolved
Gabriel Marin created an issue

It does not bring the Stellarium coordinates, reporting an error that the coordinates cannot be obtained, if it correctly brings the object.

Comments (14)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Please describe the steps to reproduce the problem in more details and ideally also attach the log file with the error message.


  2. Gabriel Marin reporter

    It is produced when pressing the icon to obtain the coordinates, as far as I can see in the log it is when converting them to int32

  3. Dale Ghent

    And what object were you attempting to get from Stellarium? Please describe and include a screenshot if possible. Does it also fail for other objects?

  4. Dale Ghent

    Ok, from your log it seems that the issue is not with interacting with Stellarium, but with calculating the transit

  5. George Hilios

    I saw this issue too for someone else. I need to debug more. Gabriel can you change to offline sky atlas to see if that fixes it?

  6. Gabriel Marin reporter

    When disconnecting it from the internet it does get the coordinates and gives the remote host error.

    Adjunto nuevo log.

  7. George Hilios

    Instead of disconnecting from the internet, can you change the source in the top left to “Offline Sky Atlas”?

  8. George Hilios

    Thank you. I have some suspicions about where the bug is. At the least I have an idea how to mitigate it.

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