Hocus Focus causes opencvsharp exception after image downloads

Issue #1104 closed
nickstarboy created an issue

Just upgraded to 2.0BETA060, works beautifully. Installed hocus focus, after which i get the attached error following each image completing, so i dont see any. Uninstalled it and everything worked again. Reinstalled, error, uninstalled, success.


The type initializer for

‘OpenCvSharp.Internal.NativeMethods’ threw an exception.

Failure to prepare image for display: The type initializer for

'OpenCvSharp.Internal.NativeMethods' threw an exception.

Frustrating as I’d like to use this. I appreciate this might not be the place for this. Would discord be the place?

Comments (19)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Issues with plugins should really be discussed directly with the plugin author on Discord.

    That said, are you running the 32bit version of NINA?

  2. nickstarboy reporter

    i think thats one that contains the error - should have looked there first as it points the blame quite squarely!

  3. Dale Ghent
    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'OpenCvSharp.Internal.NativeMethods' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'OpenCvSharpExtern': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

    You might want to try uninstalling the plugin, then installing it again. For some reason, a library it uses which is installed with it could not be found, indicating it’s missing.

  4. nickstarboy reporter

    I tried that, and the error recurred, which is why i was so sure it was the plugin. i suppose i could try again but this hazy testing night has become unexpectedly good so im getting some good images, loathe to try anything just now. if you think its worth retrying i will. otherwise perhaps i should raise this on discord?

  5. Dale Ghent

    Hmm. The only thing I can think of that would interfere with this is antivirus software. AV software has been known the block the installation of DLLs

  6. Dale Ghent

    Yes, try talking to George (jokogeo) on Discord. In the interim, try disabling any 3rd party AV software and trying to reinstall the plugin. Windows Defender, the built-in AV system in Windows, generally doesn’t pull this kind of stuff but 3rd party AV software can pull such shenanigans

  7. nickstarboy reporter

    ah ok, well thats worth a try. actually i havent installed any antivirus so i suppose i just have the default windows defender, or whatever it is. i could disable that presumably.

  8. George Hilios

    Can you share screenshots of the contents of “%LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Plugins”, as well as “%LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Plugins\Hocus Focus” and “%LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Plugins\Hocus Focus\dll”?

  9. nickstarboy reporter

    Hi George, sorry for delay.

    I tried disabling windows defendre and reinstalling, but nothing has changed. No antivirus software. Same error described above. Here are the folder contents you asked for.



  10. nickstarboy reporter

    one other thing, i havent managed to activate windows 10 yet (i have the ‘go to settings to activate windows’ message at lower right) but this hasnt affected anythign else.

  11. George Hilios

    Nick, my best bet is that there is some Windows or C-runtime dependency in one of these dlls that is on most systems but not on yours. Figuring it out would be tricky and require me to run a debugger on your machine. Is this something you’d be comfortable with when we both have time?

    I’d be following these instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/junfeng/debugging-loadlibrary-failures, and you could install https://www.microsoft.com/store/p/windbg/9pgjgd53tn86 ahead of time

  12. nickstarboy reporter

    Hi George, yes I’d be happy with that. My scope laptop is actually on most of the time, so I could give you control via teamviewer or something, even if Im not there?

    I’ll install that package in a sec.



  13. George Hilios

    Sure, that could work. Feel free to PM me the details on Discord (jokogeo) or email ghilios at gmail dot com

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