Center After Drift instruction is getting plate solve errors always. No issues with normal plate solving for slew and center, etc.

Issue #1106 closed
Gary Barr created an issue

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The problem started with Beta 2.0 very early beta release. Now, I am using the 2.0 Beta 060 release. I also upgraded to the Release Candidate and same issue.


When I use the “Center After Drift” instruction in the advanced sequencer, I am not able to get a plate solve. See screen capture. I can plate solve fine any other time….slew, center, rotate, etc. I always get a plate solve error with ASTAP when the plate solve routine is kicked off my Center after Drift.

Steps to Reproduce

  • <Step 1> Place that command in the sequencer
  • <Step 2> After 3 images, which is how I configured, a plate solve is attempted.
  • It always fails

Expected behaviour

Center after Drift kicks off a platesolve to see if I’m within the pixel tolerance. If not, slew to center.

Actual behaviour

<describe what actually happened>

##Relevant logfiles and attachments## <Attach a log file and relevant files like screenshots that may be relevant to identify and resolve the issue> <Logfiles are stored in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Logs">

Comments (6)

  1. Andy Weeks

    I’m seeing the same error in Version 2.0 HF1 BETA005. Mine was for a telescope disconnect which I’ve never seen before. I’d connect it again and find it disconnected again without an error.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Cannot reproduce. Keep in mind that Center after Drift solves on exposures with long exposure times, compared to the standard center operations. Maybe the solver has problems with these - For 2.0 HF1 the last failed solve is stored in %localappdata%\\NINA\\PlateSolver\\Failed in order to recreate the problem

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