Wrong total error computation by TPPA

Issue #1116 wontfix
Armando Beneduce created an issue


currently TPPA wrongly computes total error:

CurrentMountAxisTotalError = Angle.ByDegree(Accord.Math.Tools.Hypotenuse(InitialMountAxisAltitudeError.Degree, InitialMountAxisAzimuthError.Degree));

If we assume

Ra_id=[0;cos(lat);sin(lat)], Ra_mount=[x;y;z] with norm(Ra_mount)=1 (i.e. x^2+y^2+z^2=1), Az_err= atan(x/y) and Alt_err=atan(z/y)-lat




Comments (4)

  1. Armando Beneduce reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    I evaluated how to compute Total alignment error. I'm considering the mount aligned to North Pole (i.e. lat>0) and lat+Alt_err = mountAlt accordingly to TPPA source.

    Let's set:
    Ra_mount=[x;y;z] with norm(Ra_mount)=1 (i.e. x^2+y^2+z^2=1)
    Az_err= atan(x/y) and Alt_err=atan(z/y)-lat

    I would compute Tot_err as follows:

    Tot_err = acos <Ra_id,Ra_mount> = acos(cos(lat)y+sin(lat)z)

    If y and z are known then the problem is solved...

    If not, we can calculate y and z by lat, alt_err and az_err. We can consider x^2+y^2+z^2=1

    x^2/y^2 + 1 +z^2/y^2 = 1/y^2 -> (tan(az_err))^2 + 1 + (tan(lat+lat_err))^2 = 1/y^2

    y^2 = sqrt(1/...)
    z = y * tan(lat+alt_err)

    Tot_err = acos (cos(lat)y+sin(lat)z)

  2. Armando Beneduce reporter
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