Atik - Unable to set exposure time

Issue #1125 closed
Brian Lee created an issue

[ ] Is the issue reproducible? Yes
[ ] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met? As far as I know.

Which Version are you running?

NINA appears unable to set the exposure time for my camera in this build, all exposures I specify (1,5,60,300 sec) come back as very short (under a second) exposures. I can see Vega and little else, and 1, 5, and 60 second images of Vega look identical.

With the last RC build I used before this build, that would sometimes happen to the first 300 second image in a sequence but the rest would be fine. It now happens to all images.

My camera is an Atik APX60.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Take a 1 second image
  2. Take a 300 second image
  3. Compare and find they are identical.

Expected behaviour
NINA should be able to set exposure time for the camera.

Actual behaviour
See above – all images have the same (very short) exposure time.

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Lee reporter

    After updating the DLLs to Atik’s 6/24 release and running a test build D. Ghent provided, most exposures are now of the correct length (4 nights in a row so far). I still get the first exposure in a sequence blank (2 of 4 nights) and occasionally a later exposure is blank (1 in 4 nights of about 24 images each). I contacted Atik about the problem as well.

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