Strange behavior with rotator parameter "Reverse", using PLL Arco

Issue #1129 closed
alessandro minca created an issue

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[✔] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?

Running version:


The switch is working as intended during normal use with my Arco rotator (from PrimaLuce Lab). But if I change the reverse value using another software (Play or another ascom program) and then return to N.I.N.A, it auto-set the latest value N.I.N.A remember, not the value saved in the firmware. I’m asking if can be disabled this “auto-set” at connect beavior

Steps to Reproduce

  • Connect Arco via Ascom to N.I.N.A
  • Change the value of reverse switch (like to “ON”)
  • Verify Arco is rotating in the right direction
  • Disconnect Arco from N.I.N.A
  • Connect Arco to another program (Play, Sgp, or others, doesn’t change)
  • Change the value of reverse switch (like to “OFF”)
  • Disconnect Arco
  • Connect Arco via Ascom to N.I.N.A and see the value

Expected behavior

I’m expecting that if I change the reverse parameter from another software it will be preserved inside Arco and N.I.N.A only read his value at connection

Actual behavior

But for some reason N.I.N.A auto-set the reverse parameter to the value it remember from the last use.

Ascom log:

14:30:16.778 Rotator                   Starting initialisation

14:30:16.814 Rotator                   Completed initialisation

14:30:16.814 Rotator                   Current localization: it-IT

14:30:16.922 Rotator/InterfVer-get     3

14:30:16.923 Rotator/Connected-set     try connecting entire COM

14:30:16.984 Is Focuser Updated        ?--> True

14:30:16.984 ConnectedFun              COM open isOk, fw is UpToDate

14:30:17.006 Focuser/IsDarkMode-get    res: ON

14:30:17.006 Focuser/IsDarkMode-get    read value: False

14:30:17.041 VerifyArco                arco is enabled, OK

14:30:17.074 IsRotCalib                ?--> True

14:30:17.123 IsRotInRange              ?--> True

14:30:17.125 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.125 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.128 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.129 Rotator/CanReverse Get    res: True

14:30:17.129 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.129 Rotator/CanReverse Get    res: True

14:30:17.131 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.132 Rotator/Reverse-set       ASCOM set val-->True                  AUTO-SET FROM N.I.N.A

14:30:17.179 Rotator/Reverse-set       sending--> 1

14:30:17.180 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.225 Rotator/IsMoving-get      Rotator is moving? -->False

14:30:17.227 Rotator/Description-get   res: ASCOM Rotator Driver for ARCO

14:30:17.229 Rotator/Connected-get     is rotator connected? --> True

14:30:17.275 Rotator/Position-get      (PLL) ABS_POS -50 deg

14:30:17.276 Rotator/Position-get      (ASCOM) ABS_POS 310 deg

Nina logs:


----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

-------------------Running NINA Version


---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------

---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------

---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------

------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------

---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------

--------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0---------------

---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------

----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------



2022-06-27T14:30:07.0223|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|67|Found 0 ASI Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:07.0543|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|82|Found 0 Altair Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:07.4943|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|94|Found 0 Atik Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:07.4943|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|108|Found 0 FLI Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.5113|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|128|Found 0 QHYCCD Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.5133|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|147|Found 0 Player One Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.5523|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|156|Found 0 ToupTek Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.5553|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|168|Found 0 Omegon Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.5933|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|180|Found 0 RisingCam Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.5993|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|192|Found 0 MallinCam Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.6023|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|205|Found 0 SVBony Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.6033|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|215|Found 0 SBIG Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.6133|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|227|Found 7 ASCOM Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.6153|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|240|Found 0 Canon Cameras

2022-06-27T14:30:08.7203|INFO|ApplicationVM.cs|CheckASCOMPlatformVersion|65|ASCOM Platform installed

2022-06-27T14:30:17.5812|INFO|RotatorVM.cs|Connect|371|Successfully connected Rotator. Id: ASCOM.ArcoEsatto.Rotator Name: PLL ASCOM Rotator Driver Version: 3.2

2022-06-27T14:31:01.3904|INFO|AscomDevice.cs|Disconnect|276|Disconnecting from ASCOM.ArcoEsatto.Rotator PLL ASCOM Rotator

2022-06-27T14:31:01.3934|INFO|RotatorVM.cs|Disconnect|411|Disconnected Rotator

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    N.I.N.A. will store some values per device in its profile.
    The reverse property is one of these and they will be restored on connection. The reverse flag in particular is an important flag that should always be in the same state in order for centering & rotate logic to work, so why is this a problem to remember the state of it?

  2. alessandro minca reporter


    In case of the PrimaLuce rotator (Arco) this paramer is saved inside his memory. So the rotator itself remember the last value everytime.

    Is possible to exclude this value from the profile that N.I.N.A store and ask always the reverse value to the rotator?


  3. Stefan B repo owner

    I understand that the rotator remembers the value, but I still don’t understand why restoring the value in N.I.N.A. is a problem. You set it once and it will stick to that setting. Why would this need to be constantly changed externally?

  4. alessandro minca reporter


    Because if I change the reverse value from another program I want that N.I.N.A didn’t override it automatically.


  5. Stefan B repo owner

    Users have requested this behavior in the past so it needs a very good reason to be changed and not just “i don’t want it that way”.
    The direction in a different app might be different to what is needed in N.I.N.A. for the center&rotate logic to work properly. Should a pop up happen for each and every tiny setting that is stored in the app? This would quickly get out of hand.

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