Coordinate input acceleration

Issue #113 resolved
Jonathan MacCollum created an issue

Increase speed-of-input of coordinate data (optionally other text fields) with the following:

Ability to paste coordinates from the clipboard for RA and Dec Example scenario 1: User is on wikipedia page for Soul Nebula and wants to image target. user copies the RA coordinates 02h 55m 24s to the clipboard: pastes into the sequencing and/or framing screen. User repeats for the Dec coordinates +60° 24′ 36″ Example scenario 2: User has an existing sequence in SGP and wishes to bring the coordinates over to NINA: RA: 02h48m37.20s and Dec: 60°38'50.00"

Ability to key in these coordinates quickly with only 1 mouse click: (Text input fully selected on focus.) Example: User clicks on the RA hour text box: the existing text is automatically selected so that they can overwrite in the complete number. User selects tab between keying each digit without having to hit delete or backspace on existing digits.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Text input will now be fully selected when tabbing into the control. included in version Mouse clicks are not affected.

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