Mechanism to support users with image solving problems. Easy retrieval of failed image plus ASTAP command line

Issue #1133 resolved
Han K created an issue

Troubleshooting solve problems in Nina. I get regular request for help regarding image solve problems using ASTAP. I noted the image-to-solve is stored in %LocalAppData%\NINA\Platesolving But the temporary image with a random generated name is deleted immediately after solving and also the report/log file.ini. This blocks any effort to analyse what’s happening and if the settings used where correct. Maybe I miss something but I’m really missing a way to analyse the image used for solving and the used command line. I would be much more convenient to keep the last image and .ini name by using a fixed file name allowing them to be exported/saved for analysing. Han

Isbeorn Today at 11:18 AM

The nina log contains all the command line arguments for the solves (when set to debug level). The images and ini files are cleaned up to not clog up the file system over time and a static file name is not feasible when using multiple instances of nina, that's why there is a random file name.

A mechanism could be implemented to move failed solves somewhere else along with their command for further investigation

  • han.k Today at 11:25 AM
  • I'm looking for an simple instruction for a beginner to send me the "image failed to solve+commandline used". Based on that I can give advice. How could this be implemented?

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The latest Beta (2.0 H1 BETA0008) will move failed solves to a sub folder in %localappdata%\NINA\Failed.

    To prevent unnecessary cluttering it will only create one file per appstart, target name and solver type (blind or not blind) and auto clean the folder for everything older than 7 days

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