Suggestion: Save PHD2 Profile in NINA Profile

Issue #1135 resolved
Bill Richards created an issue

It’s great that you can select the PHD2 profile on the Guider page under the Equipment section, but the selected PHD2 profile doesn’t seem to be saved in the NINA profile which means you have to be very careful to ensure the correct PHD2 profile is used each time you load a new NINA profile. It would be great if this selection could also be saved in the NINA profiles.

Comments (8)

  1. Linwood Ferguson

    I use this a lot and am confused as I think the profile is saved. At least when I change NINA profiles between my SCT and refractor, PHD2 automatically is started with the profile name I selected in NINA to match the OTA. This was implemented a year or more ago.

  2. Bill Richards reporter

    Odd - I tried selecting a PHD2 profile in a given NINA profile, then switching to a different NINA profile and selecting a different PHD2 profile. Then when I reloaded the first NINA profile, the 2nd PHD2 profile was retained. Am I missing a step that somehow saves the PHD2 profile>

  3. Linwood Ferguson

    That sounds right. I’m not in a position to test as I am actually imaging now. It might be worth starting with one, make sure if you exit and open the same profile again it comes back correctly. Then go to the other, set it, exit and start again with it and see if that one comes back, make sure whatever steps you follow are actually saving them. But I have not changed my PHD2 profile manually in many months, it just switches when I switch NINA profiles.

  4. Bill Richards reporter

    I just tried it again andit did not work. Full disclosure - I don’t have any cameras or mount connected to the laptop and I don’t know if that matters or not. Here are the steps I followed:

    1. Open NINA and select a NINA profile (call it Profile N1)
    2. Connect the Guider (PHD2). Note the PHD2 profile that was loaded (call it P1).
    3. Disconnect the Guider.
    4. Select a different NINA profile (call it N2) and load it.
    5. Connect the Guider (PHD2). Change the PHD2 profile to something different (call it P2).
    6. Disconnect the Guider.
    7. Select a first NINA profile (N1) and load it.
    8. Connect the Guider (PHD2). The PHD2 profile loaded is N2.

    So I must be missing a step that forces the PHD2 profile to be saved with the NINA profile.

  5. Linwood Ferguson

    Nothing jumps out at me as unexpected. I can’t try it now, will try to tomorrow, though one of the developers (I am not one) may have insight.

  6. Bill Richards reporter

    I connected all my equipment and manually selected the correct PHD2 profile within NINA, disconnected the guider, changed profiles and changed back. The feature works. What threw me off was that the PHD2 profile in NINA takes 4 seconds to update and I wasn't waiting long enough to see if it was selecting the correct profile.

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