Slew and center not waiting for dome sync

Issue #1139 closed
Ian Hudson created an issue

Slew and centre is failing with a “not enough” stars error. When I look at the image in “imaging” it is completely grey.

See attached sequence. “Slew and center” is in the “Center target” instruction set. “Run autofocus” runs perfectly before “Slew and canter” and ASTAP works perfectcly later in the sequnce (center after drfit). “Sync dome” is set as a trigger at the top level.

The only reason I can think of (for grey images) is that “Slew and center” is not waiting for my dome to sync so ASTAP is trying to resolve the inside of my dome !!!

Comments (9)

  1. Ian Hudson reporter

    I ran another test last night and monitored the dome movement. I can confirm that the dome was still moving while “Slew and center” was atempting to image and plate solve.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Ian,

    I have checked the code again and the Sync does invoke the Dome Movement including waiting for it to stop moving by checking the “IsSlewing” property of the driver. Maybe your driver is setting this too early to be done.
    Have you tried to set a settle time for the dome - maybe this will help with your issue.

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