Framing refinements

Issue #114 closed
Glenn Diekmann created an issue

To make this excellent tool even easier to use, please consider the following:

  • move coordinates out of center of frame (or give an option to do so) so they do not obscure the target (see example below).
  • make the frame 100% transparent so it does not obscure target detail (the frame is very pink in the example below).
  • add histogram adjustment for survey images (i.e. for those that are very faint or washed out, such seen below).


  • allow selection of a default survey source. (Currently, this is partially implemented but the default does not stick when the Sky Atlas is used to send a target to the Framing module. )
  • provide an option to keep the frame orientation fixed (i.e. horizontal or landscape) but have the survey image rotate when the rotate slider is adjusted. This would make composition easier with less craning of the neck.
  • it would be nice to be able to enter an object designation (e.g. M31) directly in the Name field of the Coordinates panel and have the survey image for that target load. This functionality exists in the Sky Atlas but maybe that aspect of it can be duplicated in the Framing module to save a couple of clicks for the user.
  • Currently, "Set as Sequence Target" replaces any targets that may have already been in the sequence. It would be nice to have an option to append a target to a sequence instead of replacing only.

Comments (9)

  1. Stanley Dimant

    Hi Glenn,

    "allow selection of a default survey source. (Currently, this is partially implemented but the default does not stick when the Sky Atlas is used to send a target to the Framing module. )"

    this is implemented but has not made it into a build yet. The next version will include this.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Glenn,

    short update, as i had some time to work on this:

    2018-12-29 06_30_22-.png

    I have reduced the opacity of the box, moved the coordinates to the bottom left and also added another button to be able to add the targets instead of replacing them.

    Regarding a quick entry for the name, this is in the works on another branch already and will also be available for the sequence tab. Basically you enter some value and a pop up will show with a list of found entries to quickly select those.

    For auto stretching downloaded images i have also created a proof of concept, but need to further investigate how to properly implement that.

    Cheers, Stefan.

  3. Glenn Diekmann reporter

    This is wonderful, Stefan. Thank you so much.

    What would you think about making the box completely transparent (zero opacity) and having a rectangular outline only? I can think of no downside for single panel compositions but am unsure if it would negatively affect mosaics.

    It’s amazing to me that you were able to make the changes so quickly. Thanks again.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    I will just add a stepper control to the top right, where a user can change the opacity. that way everyone can just set it to their liking

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