Telescope not tracking after meridian flip

Issue #1140 closed
Cedric Raguenaud created an issue

Hi all,

Something strange has started to happen in the last 2 or 3 beta releases: after the meridian flip, my telescope isn’t set to tracking, which leads to plate solving failing and the sequence unable to continue until I click “tracking on” again in GSS. You’ll find my sequence a bit strange, but I can’t see why this would happen in the logs. It didn’t use ti happen until the recently.

Maybe you can tell me what I’m doing wrong?



Log 1

Log 2

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    I see no actual flip in the logs. Maybe your mount hit a mount limit and therefore it stopped tracking.

    Furthermore you should enable Side Of Pier evaluation if your mount driver reports it correctly for a more robust flip evaluation.

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