Crash during simple sequence with Sony A7S ASCOM camera driver

Issue #1154 resolved
Mark Westling created an issue

[X] Is the issue reproducible?
[X] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?

Which Version are you running? 2.0 HF1 RC003


N.I.N.A. crashes while running a sequence, after saving many images. I’m using a Sony A7S camera with this ASCOM driver:

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a sequence with >2 steps of 60 images, 60sec. each
  • Start the sequence

Expected behaviour

No crash

Actual behaviour

Crash occurs at different times: sometimes in the first step (target), sometimes in the second step.

In the attached logs, there are errors during an earlier slew, but I’m also getting a crash during a sequence that doesn’t include a slew.

I’m also getting crashes after saving a few images while running the Flat Wizard, which makes me wonder if there’s some kind of unhandled situation occurring during imaging with this particular ASCOM camera driver.

##Relevant logfiles and attachments


  • event_log.txt (XML from app event log)
  • 20220822-214841- (NINA log file)

Crashdump (1.5GB):

Comments (8)

  1. Mark Westling reporter

    Thanks, Stefan, but there are no .NET Runtime events logged at the time of the crash. Here’s the Event Viewer with all events around that time:

  2. Dale Ghent

    A crash in the ASCOM driver will still look like a crash in NINA.exe as that’s how in-process COM object look. And because of that, a crash in the ASCOM driver will bring the ship (NINA) down with it. Other Sony ASCOM driver users have lately experienced crashes, so I would bring this up with that driver’s developer.

  3. Mark Westling reporter

    Hey Dale, thanks, that’s exactly what I’m thinking. I bought a ZWO camera last week and no more crashes. Thanks for responding!

  4. Armin Prohaska

    does anyone know, if the the problem with the Sony ASCOM driver still exists?
    I have the Sony A7s and would like to know it before moving to N.I.N.A.
    Thanks, Armin

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