USB connected Canon R5 exposure hangs if under 30 seconds in Bulb mode

Issue #1167 new
A Kent created an issue

Easily reproducible issue on NINA version 2.0 HF2 15


USB connected Canon R5 exposure hangs if under 30 seconds in Bulb mode

Steps to Reproduce

  • Connect R5 to Windows via USB-C
  • NINA prompts for manual change into “Manual” or “Bulb” mode
  • Select “Bulb” mode (on R5, manual mode cannot exceed 30 seconds)
  • Trigger exposure in NINA under 30 seconds (i.e. plate solve exposure)

Expected behaviour

Exposure of any length should complete, leaving camera ready for next exposure

Actual behaviour

Exposure starts and counts down, but never completes, leaving camera hung

Exposures under 30 seconds in bulb mode work w/o NINA (Intervolmeter, EOS Utility, etc..)

Other Canon EOS (5D2 tested) can do both a 4 second plate solve exposure, and 300 light exposure in Bulb mode

This has been a problem on multiple firmware & NINA versions since first finding it in April 2022. FW is v1.5.2

Logs file pending next session

Comments (3)

  1. A Kent reporter

    Attaching three logs. One and three were not exposing, but looked like they were, with instant exposures (ignoring set exposure time), and no actual image downloaded, although stated it was. This happened during plate solving and imaging, even with exposures over 30s. May be new issue, but may be same root cause. Second (middle) log captures reported issue, with a single 20s expsoure hanging without download.

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