Some images fail to save, others do - ERROR|ImagingVM.cs|PrepareImage|337|Failed to prepare image

Issue #1168 closed
stefanza created an issue

Using the sequencer, some images save correctly but others are missing. I setup up a simple sequence of 2 * 300sec SII, 2 * 300sec HA and 2 * 300sec OIII on Horsehead Nebula. Only one of the OIII was saved to directory.

The log shows ERROR|ImagingVM.cs|PrepareImage|337|Failed to prepare image for the images that were not saved.

I have attached the log file that shows that another (earlier) sequence of M45 worked correctly.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is related to the Hocus Focus plugin. Please report it there. Furthermore this is most likely caused by using x86 of N.I.N.A. which is limited in memory. Please use the x64 version instead.

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