NINA First Time Setup Wizard

Issue #117 new
Stanley Dimant created an issue

People that are new to NINA do have to set up a fair amount of things when they start up the application for the first time. To ease that process I suggest we implement a First Time Start Wizard.

The wizard should go through the following (non-exclusive, extendable) steps (order is not set in stone):

  1. Welcome the user to NINA, say that all settings can also be configured in the options menu and let the user specify a profile name
  2. Let the user change the language and UI color schema (schema should immediately swap on change and provide a few test buttons and dropdowns etc.)
  3. Set Astrometry data (in HMS and Deg) and select Sky Atlas Image directory + a link to a download
  4. Set Camera from dropdown and connect to it, let the user specify the things we cannot specify in the Equipment/Camera settings
  5. Set Mount from dropdown and connect to it, set focal length and auto meridian flip options
  6. Set Filterwheel and connect to it, import filters on button press, provide filter list at the bottom. Set AutoFocus and connect to it, if AutoFocus is present allow auto focus exposure time and focus offset in the filter list (maybe add the rotator here too)
  7. Set up location and basic settings of PHD2 if installed or whatever settings for whatever guider that will be implemented in the future
  8. Set up primary and secondary plate solver with their appropriate specific settings and basic plate solve settings as well
  9. Finish Wizard, link to the manual, say have fun and clear skies, link to discord, etc.

The wizard should be cancelable, you should be able to go forward and back between steps to adjust settings and you should be able to skip sections if you don't have the equipment connected right now or don't have it at all.

This would tremendously improve new user experience.

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