
Issue #1170 closed
Ana Ta created an issue

Wind gust, and mount behaved badly. Are there ways to select frames only with HFR>X? Clouds came, frames are useless. Are there ways to select frames with Brightness>X?



Comments (14)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Select where? For frame filtering the task is best done in your post processing app. NINA itself will not delete image data.

  2. Ana Ta reporter

    “Select where?”. It should be define by software developer. It could be set in “option” domain of NINA.

    Of course, filtering could be done in post processing app. But it is not the best. What a point to safe frames, which are bad due to wind gust or clouds. There is such selections in SharpCap. Many users will DEFINITELY select this option, if it is present in NINA. Two selections are most critical: FWHM (or HF?) and brightness of skies. FWHM will deselect frames due to mount misbehavior (wind, touch, etc) and brightness of skies will deselect frames with clouds.


  3. Dale Ghent

    Filtering out bad data before integration, or rescuing usable portions of otherwise bad frames, has always been the domain of the processing app. PixInsight has several tools for doing just this - subframe selector being the most advanced. The tools already exist and should be used. Adding them to NINA, which focuses only on acquisition, adds no value. It is a duplication of effort.

  4. Ana Ta reporter

    I don’t agree. There are frames, which are absolutely useless full of clouds or shifted stars. You know it before they hit folder for saved files. Put this way, if Sharcap, which has these selections, had automation like NINA, many people could prefer this function. You could prefer it eventually as well.

  5. Dale Ghent

    SharpCap’s goals are not NINA’s goals. Saying NINA should do something because some other app does it is a good way to get closed out of the conversation, as that is an extremely bad logic leap to make.

  6. Dale Ghent

    SharpCap has these features because SharpCap also does integration and stacking or frames, such as in its LiveStack feature. It does not have these features because it’s trying to save you disk space before you feed frames into a post-processing application - it has them for its own post-processing. Your comparison is flawed because of this, as NINA does not do post-processing itself.

  7. Ana Ta reporter

    The same goals; different stage in development. I love to have stacking in NINA. The best software will be hybrid between NINA and Sharpcap. You choose whatever option you want. If you like to pollute your computer with crap frames, it is your choice. OK?

  8. Ana Ta reporter

    What do you mean “post-processing features”. Rejecting outright crap frames is not post processing in my book. You already see that HFR is zero on this frame. Why do you need them? Maybe you need this trash to post-process. Many other don’t.

    Rejection option will definitely add values to software. Any option add values to any software. This is no brainer.

    All the best

  9. Stefan B repo owner

    Sure - feel free to add it via a plugin. The plugin system is targeted for exactly that where you can implement things that aren’t necessarliy used by the majority.

  10. Ana Ta reporter


    I like to add this plug in. What plug in is design for it? What is name?

    Yes, plug ins at beginning are not used by a majority, but with time they could be used by a majority. Star reduction plug in is an example.

    All the best!

  11. Marc Blank

    There is no plugin for this currently. What Stefan meant is that you are free to create a plugin of your own, or to find someone who is willing to write such a plugin.

  12. Ana Ta reporter

    This is unfortunate. I am not computer engineer to write plug ins.

    Let’s hope someone will do it one day.

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