Rotator setting doesn't work correctly

Issue #1182 closed
Artesky Italy created an issue

Hello, I tried to use the rotator function into Nina with a Wanderer Rotator Mini

When I set the home postion it works good, then when I rotate the camera system, Nina loses the home position setting

I find out this issue on using non-english version of Nina, if I use a English version the bug doesn’t exist

Tried with version 2.0 HF1 and HF2

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    Can you please reproduce the problem when having the loglevel set to TRACE in options and then attach the log file of that test from %localappdata%\nina\logs

    Then we can confirm if this localisation issue is on driver level or on application level. Most likely this is a problem in the driver. There have been similar problems in other drivers in the past that had been fixed in the driver.


  2. Nico

    Guess I am not able to re-open the ticket, but I can reproduce what @Artesky Italy has reported. Setting language to english (USA) works fine. Switching to e.g. German, I can reproduce above problem. Please find logfile here using German language, where rotation fails.
    Shall I also supply a log with english language, where the rotation succeeds?


  3. Stefan B repo owner

    The log further indicates this being an issue in the driver. it shows that the target position of 4° is started and reached, but while it is still reporting to move the position suddenly switches to something else.

    2023-02-08T16:17:36.0719|TRACE|AscomDevice.cs|GetProperty|333|GET IRotatorFacadeProxy.Position: 4
    2023-02-08T16:17:37.2127|TRACE|RotatorVM.cs|MoveMechanical|198|Waiting for rotator to reach destination. IsMoving: True - Current Position 4 - Target Position 4
    2023-02-08T16:17:37.2127|TRACE|AscomDevice.cs|GetProperty|333|GET IRotatorFacadeProxy.Position: 202

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