optimal exposure calculator

Issue #1183 wontfix
deneb Cygnus created an issue

Hello everyone.
There is a problem in the optimal exposure calculator section.
The question is, that sharcap analyzes the cameras and generates a json with all the characteristics of the camera,
In my case the camera is a qhy600m and it has several reading modes and the calculator only shows the first one.
therefore I have to manually correct the json and create as many json as modes my camera has.
Is there a possibility to solve this by means of a filter in the json where the CameraMode is present?
"BitDepth": 16,
"IsAdditiveBinning": true,
"LinearityLimit": 0.7925005,
"CameraType": "QHY Cameras",
"IsMono": true,
"IsRaw": false,
"SensorName": "QHY600M",
"ColourSpace": "MONO16",
"CameraMode": "Extend Fullwell 2CMS",
"GainList": [

Comments (2)

  1. Dale Ghent

    CameraMode seems like a recent addition to the JSON file, which would explain why it’s not being observed.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    currently no incentive to improve on this tool.

    Feel free to open a PR to the plugin repository.

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