"Wait For Time" does not work depending on time before or after 12:00:00 and when advanced sequence is started before 12:00:00.

Issue #1186 closed
Albert.Fetscher created an issue

Is the issue reproducible? Yes!
Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met? Yes!

Which Version are you running? Version: (Updated at 29.11.2022)


"Wait For Time" does not work depending on time before or after 12:00:00 and when the related advanced sequence is started before 12:00:00.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create an advanced sequence, but before 12:00:00 (e.g. at 09:55:00).
  • Add first instruction “Wait For Time” using source “Time” and set time to 12:00:00 (or later).
  • Add second instruction “Message Box” using text “Starting…” to simply indicate it is now running.
  • Start this sequence but before 12:00:00 (e.g. at 10:00:00)

Expected behaviour

Sequence should wait until 12:00:00 has been reached, then the message box “Starting…” must pop-up.

Actual behaviour

Sequence does not wait until 12:00:00 but displays the message box “Starting…” immediatly.

Hint: If “Wait For Time” is before 12:00:00 (e.g. 11:59:59) and start time is before (e.g. 1 hour) then it is sucessfully running.

Comments (4)

  1. Albert.Fetscher reporter

    Thank you for your fast response.
    And how can I start an advanced sequence in the late morning, but which shall proceed running the following instructions or instruction sets in the evening? (Like a “Wait Until” as the existing “Loop until”.)

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    An alternative is using the “Wait if sun altitude”.
    wait if altitude > -6° → civil dusk
    wait if altitude > -12° → nautical dusk
    wait if altitude > -18° → astronomical dusk

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