Sequence jobs set to done (X/X completed) after error

Issue #1187 closed
Wes Mitchell created an issue

About halfway through creating a set of darks, using several sequences, I got an error saying that the camera couldn’t enter pull mode. At other times, I have seen other errors that caused the jobs to stop. These seemed to have been caused by some conflict between ascom and dshow drivers for the ToupTek cam. But, the point is, all the remaining jobs were set to completed, for example 20/20 exposures done, even though none of them had yet been started. Unfortunately, I don’t have before and after screen shots.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    please include the logfile of that session. It is located in %localappdata%\nina\logs

    Most likely a device connection was lost and it just ran through all instructions and failed. (Default failure behavior is continue on error, but can be changed on instruction level)

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