"Slew to Target" should be enabled by default

Issue #1191 closed
astropotato created an issue

First time using this software, I missed my target because it was not enabled by default, which is very unintuitive and must have surely affected not just me.

I’d like it to be enabled by default both in the normal and in the advanced sequencer.

Comments (5)

  1. Marc Blank

    The old sequencer is no longer being developed. Everyone should really be using the advanced sequencer… 😀

    The right thing in the advanced sequencer is to put a slew or slew/center or slew/center/rotate command in your sequence. I don’t think it makes sense to do this automatically, as the sequencer wouldn’t know when it’s appropriate to do so.

  2. Dale Ghent

    Advanced Sequencer is a place where every action must be explicitly stated. There are a few actions that are implied (ie, turning off any active guiding before a slew, then restoring guiding when the slew is finished) but everything must be stated.

    All the same, you can create default sequences for either the Simple/Old sequencer and the Advanced Sequencer that has things set up the way you wish, and are loaded by default for the app. These are designed to be the user’s common-case sequence, where the just plug in targets.

  3. astropotato reporter

    In the advanced sequencer, this is understandable, but it would be nice to have at least a warning/hint, especially in multi-target sequences

    In the other one, I’m wondering why the default option is off anyway. I can’t see a workflow where that would be useful (unless it’s a one-target sequence and the user slews manually using other software), and so especially not how it would be the common case.

    Except this, and perhaps the fact that in the sequencer, an unselected filter just shows up as an empty cell (instead of (current filter)), I think this is the most intuitive and user friendly software I have found so far.

  4. Dale Ghent

    It is not the app’s job to guess at the intentions of the user; the desired actions must be stated. Not all mounts can slew; some can only have their coordinates read. And so on. The solution has already been stated, and exists so that any user can set the sequencer to defaults that suite their situation the best.

    The option to set default options for the Simple Sequencer is described in the documentation:


  5. Stefan B repo owner

    There are a lot of people that frame the target manually and start the sequence without letting nina do the slewing, or they don't have a goto mount at all Use the template option to preset your simple sequence with your requirements

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