Polar Alignment crashes/Exception

Issue #1192 closed
Udo Baumgart created an issue


after it was working at the beginning of the night i wanted to check if polar alignment is still ok after a couple of hours. But trying to do the 3P-Polar-Align N.I.N.A. throwed an exception after the 3rd image. See around line 129 in the attached logfile.

I was unable to recover from the error popup and had to quit nina by the task manager. Started again: Same result. Did it a couple of times - no success with Polar Alignment.

Whatever the cause of this problem is - the exception should be caught inside the program to be able to continue the session.

Best regards, Udo

Comments (5)

  1. Udo Baumgart reporter

    I can try this. But on the same evening Polar Alignment was working just some hours ago…. This is strange if it is a driver issue. There is no new driver. I am working on a N5105 Mini PC with Windows 11 - graphics is done by the inbuild unit of the CPU.

    And why is the error only occuring after the 3rd image taken? The first 2 images are exposed and solved without problems.

    In addition there are no problems with the graphics in all other parts of N.I.N.A. (nor elsewhere in other software). Annotating images (HFR values) is working. Stretching is working. Images are displayed without issues.

    Ciao, Udo

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Udo,

    you can also check if there are some windows updates pending regarding the .net framework. This is some issue hidden in the framework it seems and either some graphics issue or a bug in the framework most likely.

  3. Udo Baumgart reporter

    No pending updates :-( Very strange error. But i think N.I.N.A. should not totally crash when this error occurs.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Check if the graphics card driver is up to date. Furthermore you can go to Options > General > Advanced > Hardware acceleration and turn it off. This should prevent this issue.

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