PHD scale is only displayed in pixels and not in arcseconds

Issue #12 resolved
Alistair M created an issue

The PHD graph Y-axis scale seems to be 4x too small in NINA.

Looking at NINA compared to PHD, the peaks in PHD are at 2", but in NINA they're at 0.5".

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Your scale is set to arcseconds, but NINA shows the scale in Pixels as the PHD2 server only sends corrections in pixels. For arcseconds to work, NINA would need the pixel size info to convert it (which can be retrieved from PHD2). So it's not a bug, but a missing feature.

  2. Alistair M reporter

    Ah that makes perfect sense! My guide camera/guide scope combination works out to a scale of 4.07" per pixel.

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