Add support for synchronization over network

Issue #1203 new
Deepanshu Arora created an issue

I am requesting a feature to enable NINA multiple instances synchronization over network. Currently it is supported only local, running on same machine. If sync over network is implemented, it will allow users to run NINA on two different computers and yet synchronize with each other.

I completely understand that my use case is because of third party driver limitation and ideally, the driver should be fixed. But this feature will also help reducing the frustration caused by conflicts and mismatched profiles/devices caused by multiple USB devices (two or more units plugged of same type - e.g. 2x QHY600, 2x FW, 2x Pegasus UPB, 2x Nitecrawler).

Please consider implementing this. I am creating this ticket only to make the request official. It was already requested in suggestions channel.

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