Hour angle LOOP while and until or TRIGGER ?

Issue #1208 closed
Vincent Steinmetz created an issue

Hello, this is not an issue, but i can’t find a way to put a request, since it is not permitted by my fresh account.

Once the telescope is connected, the hour angle is a very nive way to deal with precise timed meridian flip, going to the next target without flipping, and so on …

i have an old mount, and never flip, so when i came at hour angle +1h00, i switch to the next target.

Could put a loop and trigger based on the hour angle, it could really help people with simple mounts or diy mounts.

Many thanks


Comments (3)

  1. Vincent Steinmetz reporter

    Hello stefan,

    many thanks for this answer, i made what you propose, it does the job :)


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