Can not select Canon cameras, just Nikon DSLRs

Issue #1209 resolved
Sim Schweizer created an issue

In my N.I.N.A. installation, I can not select a Canon camera, although there is direct support for it. I can select Nikon (which I don’t own). I have the newest version 2.1 installed and tried a repair of the installation, it did not help.

Comments (7)

  1. Sim Schweizer reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    but why could neither my Canon EOS 1000D nor my CANON EOS M50 not be detected? They work with AstroPhotography Tool (APT) without problems.

    I think it is a N.I.N.A. isssue.

    Why is Nikon on my list, I never connected any Nikon camera to my laptop running N.I.N.A.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Nikon connection works differently and will only scan when connecting to the driver. That’s why it is always there. As to why your cameras are not detected it is not clear without a log file provided.

  3. Sim Schweizer reporter

    I got help from another user and this solved the problem: Closing the EOS Utility software.

    I would consider this as a bug, since it is standard software by the manufacturer and started automatically on windows boot.

    If NI.I.N.A. detects a Canon camera and can not use it, I suggest the camera should be displayed in the camera select window but greyed out and with a string like “in use by another program” or whatever.

  4. Dale Ghent

    It’s annoying but there is no way that we have found, or has been documented by Canon as a supported means by them, on how to avoid their software from interfering with other software’s attempts to connect to a given camera. The solution stands and this is not a bug, but a necessary state for being able to operate the camera.

  5. Dale Ghent

    And we do not necessarily know why we cannot connect a camera. We can guess, but if Canon changes their software one day then we are left with dispensing bad guesses to the user.

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