Wrong translation of Italian word "Exposition"

Issue #1224 closed
MAX created an issue


I’m Italian and using NINA i’ve noticed that the translation of the word “Exposition” is wrong.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start Nina with italian language
  2. Start exposition
  3. Look at the fixed bottom bar
  4. The current translation is “Esposizoone in corso”

Expected behaviour

The translation should be “Esposizione in corso”

(File: NINA.Core/Locale/Locale.it-IT.resx)

<data name="LblExposing" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Esposizione in corso</value>

Actual behaviour

The translation is “Esposizoone in corso”

(File: NINA.Core/Locale/Locale.it-IT.resx)

<data name="LblExposing" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Esposizoone in corso</value>

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