End sequence did not stop tracking, guiding, or cool camera

Issue #1229 closed
Tim Moody created an issue

Steps to Reproduce

Not sure how to reproduce, though I had a similar experience once before.

Expected behaviour

End sequence cools camera and parks scope, stopping tracking and guiding.

Actual behaviour

Last night I ran 2 capture sequences followed by an end sequence. Usually this results in a parked scope with guiding and tracking off and camera cooling off, but this morning this did not happen even though there were checks beside those tasks.

Before the second sequence ended at Nautical Dawn, the target went behind a building. This caused a trigger on autofocus and autofocus failed. It seemed like this prevented the end sequence tasks from actually running or at least succeeding.

Version is 2.2 (not in the dropdown)

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Are you sure your end container was not already marked as finished? According to the log the end container was reached but nothing pending inside.

  2. Tim Moody reporter

    Unfortunately I closed NINA and didn’t get a screen shot, but that is my memory. The end sequence started at 4:30. What would have prevented it from finishing by 7:30 when I manually shut everything down?

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Nothing prevented it. The sequence finished at 4:27 - there was just no actionable item in the end area - so i assume they were already finished from a run before. Did you load a complete sequence from another night where the end area was finished already?

    2023-05-23T04:27:48.2319|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: * Instruction Set *, Item: NINA.Sequencer.Container.EndAreaContainer, Strategy: SequentialStrategy, Items: 1, Conditions:  Triggers:
    2023-05-23T04:27:48.2319|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|224|Finishing Category: * Instruction Set *, Item: NINA.Sequencer.Container.EndAreaContainer, Strategy: SequentialStrategy, Items: 1, Conditions:  Triggers:
    2023-05-23T04:27:48.2319|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|224|Finishing Category: * Instruction Set *, Item: NINA.Sequencer.Container.SequenceRootContainer, Strategy: SequentialStrategy, Items: 3, Conditions:  Triggers:
    2023-05-23T04:27:48.2329|INFO|Sequence2VM.cs|StartSequence|431|Advanced Sequence finished

  4. Tim Moody reporter

    Actually it did recur, and the issue was that the container was marked as finished, as you suggested. I thought the refresh button was only for exposure count and didn’t expect a sequence in the End Sequence section to have to be refreshed, but doing so solved the problem.

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