Replace sequence target wipes sequence info

Issue #124 closed
Former user created an issue

Before replace target

After replace target

I don't think that wiping the sequence information was intended and I just wanted to point it out

Comments (3)

  1. Stanley Dimant

    I think this is working as designed. To semi prevent this issue you can use sequence templates.

  2. Simon Kapadia

    Pretty sure this isn’t working as designed, because the words used don’t match what actually happens. The button is entitled “Replace as Sequence Target”. However, rather than replacing the sequence target, clicking the button replaces the entire sequence. It’s not the sequence that we want to replace – it’s the target. The behaviour should be to update the top right of the sequence screen (Target Name, RA, Dec, Rotation) but leave the rest of the sequence alone.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    this is as per design. replace, replaces all. add adds it to the tab. there is no way to know which one to replace if you wnat to replace an individual one without further input..

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