"Wait for Time" instruction does not account for AM/PM

Issue #1240 closed
Thomas Klemmer created an issue

Wait for time does not account for AM/PM time. If a sequence is started at lets say 11:50 am put is supposed to wait until 7:30 PM (19:30) the trigger will not do so, and the sequence will continue without waiting. Once the clock is past 12.00 pm (noon) it will wait again.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • System Clock must be on an AM Time
  • Create Sequential Instruction Set
  • Insert “Wait for Time Instruction” and set it to PM Time that is BEVORE the current time in AM. (if it is 10:15 now set it to 15:15)
  • Start Sequence

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Klemmer reporter

    Alles klar, danke die Erklärung, evtl. wäre ein Hinweis in der GUI hier sinnvoll. Aber wenn das eh in 3.0 anderes geregelt wird…

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