AutoFocus "Focuser Move failed@

Issue #1243 invalid
Christopher Rose created an issue

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Autofocuser routine fails using Celestron CPQI and Celestron Focuser

Steps to Reproduce

  • Achieve a basic focus manually
  • Start AutoFocus Routine
  • <and so on>

Expected behaviour

Expect to see a curve developing

Actual behaviour

Routine fails after around two moves

Entry from log file below

2023-07-31T21:47:36.6438|INFO|StarDetection.cs|Detect|246|Average HFR: 12.3189664674174, HFR σ: 0.680113207395545, Detected Stars 10, Sensitivity Normal, ResizeFactor: 0.29
2023-07-31T21:47:36.6707|INFO|FocuserVM.cs|MoveFocuserInternal|205|Moving Focuser to position 23540
2023-07-31T21:47:49.0810|INFO|FocuserVM.cs|MoveFocuserInternal|205|Moving Focuser to position 23550
2023-07-31T21:48:54.4744|ERROR|FocuserVM.cs|MoveFocuserInternal|228|Focuser move failed
System.Exception: Focuser stuck at position 23949 beyond 00:01:00 timeout
at NINA.Equipment.Equipment.MyFocuser.AscomFocuser.<MoveInternalAbsolute>d__24.MoveNext() in C:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\Equipment\MyFocuser\AscomFocuser.cs:line 121
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at NINA.WPF.Base.ViewModel.Equipment.Focuser.OvershootBacklashCompensationDecorator.<Move>d__1.MoveNext() in C:\Projects\nina\NINA.Core.WPF\ViewModel\Equipment\Focuser\OvershootBacklashCompensationDecorator.cs:line 51
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at NINA.WPF.Base.ViewModel.Equipment.Focuser.FocuserVM.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<<MoveFocuserInternal>b__0>d.MoveNext() in C:\Projects\nina\NINA.Core.WPF\ViewModel\Equipment\Focuser\FocuserVM.cs:line 208

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    the focuser has been commanded to move to 23550 but actually moved to position 23949 and remained there.

    How a focuser moves is up to the driver and this needs to be resolved in the driver. If the focuser is commanded to move to a specific position, N.I.N.A. expects it to reach that position or times out if it doesn't after a minute.

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