Player one Ares-C Pro Color freeze problems

Issue #1245 closed
Xavier Bertrand created an issue


As i Received the player one ares-c camera, there is some problems with flatwizard, I need to restart often the wizard for FLAT and DARKFLAT because software block sometimes when restart to take a picture of the DARKLAT or FLAT.

I had some error exposing before, with new version it was solved, but I’ve this problem now.

Even when I pass through PLU assistant to have the Time of exposure and after going the sequences to do it from sequence.

Same occurs.

Picture made when the software blocked.

And two message appears (in french sorry)

It stays like that.

Indeed, very powerfull software !

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Have you tried a different or shorter USB cable? Also in case you are using a USB hub have you tried to use a direct connection? Same for the power supply.

    Often times these issues arise due to cable problems resulting in communication issues with the camera.

  2. Xavier Bertrand reporter

    As USB cable is the one foreseen by Player one, I didn’t tryied, I’ll.

    Camera is directly connected to a MELE PC fixed on the Telescope not through a HUB.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Cannot reproduce (with Poseidon-C)

    Timeout errors are often caused by cable connection issues, usb congestion or power issues

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