Server API not working (even with plugin)

Issue #1246 resolved
Ruediger created an issue

I am using NINA together with Mount Wizard for the 10 Micron mounts. MW connects to the camera via NINA server interface. With latest nightly this is not working anymore. I have enable the SGP server plugin, but still no success.
I have reported this problem to Michel, who is the owner of MW. Based on his feedback, there is no response from NINA’s side. Please see GitHub:

Please advice what to do to restore functionality. Thank you!


Comments (16)

  1. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    repeated the test. Yes I can connect.

    Sorry for the first negative test. I have used another profile. Since the server is now a plugin it has to be enabled in each profile separately. But no success to connect from MW. It looks also it is case sensitive?

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok after looking at the SGP documentation it is also mentioned only as a POST method, but it seems to also allow GET for whatever reason. I can add these to the plugin routes as well.

    The question is which methods are missing for Mount Wizard to fully work with it.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Ah i see for this specific one i missed the GET part. seems like this was the available before without me noticing and is the only route missing then.

  4. Michel Orion

    From what I see from the source, there should be everything in to be used with MW4 as the interface with NINA v2 worked well.

    Edit: When switching to POST on MW side it works. Still I will use further on the GET part as SGP and all older implementations (also with other programs) worked with it just for the compatibility. Thanks for adding the GET part.

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    Version of the plugin is available in a minute. Please check if it works again there. I added the missing devicestatus GET endpoint

  6. Michel Orion

    Hi Stefan,

    works now. I have to adjust a minor part for windows 11 IP routing. For NINA I would close this as resolved.

    Thanks for the quick fix.


  7. Stefan B repo owner

    Great - thank you for having a look into it and your feedback. Will mark it as resolved.

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