Profile chooser opens on random screen in multi display setup

Issue #1256 closed
Ruediger created an issue

I have noticed that the profile chooser gets opened on random screen when having multi display setup, independent from where the main window was closed before, or gets opened after selecting a profile. Therefore it happens regularly, that the profile chooser is opened below others windows on other screens.


Comments (6)

  1. Dale Ghent

    I’m not sure it’s random. It appears to open on the screen that has the currently in-focus window.

  2. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Dale,

    you are absolutely right. Just tested. Depending on which display I go to start menu and start NINA, it opens there. Thanks for the hint.
    Also when placing the icon to different screen it opens there. Now it is the question, whether this is bug or feature.
    Since the behavior can be controlled, it is not a big deal anymore. Shell I close it, or it is better to open chooser on the same screen as main window?


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