Access To Pull Requests to Review Changes

Issue #1258 resolved
Sean McCully created an issue

Ive started working on adding support for SQMDevices in NINA, i don't appear to have access for creating pull requests so i am creating this issue to review the change and request access for Pull Requests.

sean_mccully / nina / Commit e1ba76d97792 — Bitbucket

This is still a work in progress and is not functional yet. The purpose of the Pull Request and this Issue is to review this change to make sure that this doesn't raise any red flags or cause any issues and will be able to actually get merged.

Overall Design Goal

– Add support for UniHedrons SQM device as a Weather Device. Allow connecting to a SQM device that does not override the default Weather Device to provide a Visual Output in the Weather View Model. Currently Sky Brightness is part of Weather Device Model, and SQM output label might use Magnitudes per square ArcSeconds or “Sky Magnitudes/ArcSeconds^2”, “MPSAS”. SQM Values could be updated on a determined interval, manually, and or both.


Comments (8)

  1. Stefan B repo owner
    • changed status to open


    there is no permission required for opening PRs. You need to create them from your Fork and can target the root repository.

    Additionally there is already support for Unihedron devices as there are ASCOM drivers for it. Paired with the ASCOM weather device hub you can already gather weather specific data from multiple ascom sources into one.

  2. Sean McCully reporter

    Thanks for the quick reply, when I click on Pull Requests from NINA Project page, I only see “You do not have permission”.

  3. Sean McCully reporter

    Regarding the changes, at best can look at it like Native Support for SQM devices, I am not actually aware of ASCOM drivers for the SQM devices, there may be some out there but not sure they actually work with the SQM-LE.

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