Want point to zenith button for flat wizard

Issue #126 resolved
Dale Ghent created an issue

Having a "point telescope at zenith" button in the flat wizard would be very handy for those with light panels/boxes that rest on top of the telescope dew shield. When the telescope is done moving to that position, tracking should also be halted. Think of it as an artificial park position.

Comments (5)

  1. Linda Thomas-Fowler

    This would be super useful! My Losmandy has a "park at zenith" in its software but it would be great if NINA had an option to park at zenith when running flats.

  2. Stanley Dimant

    As of now state of considering for 1.9.

    Custom park options cannot be implemented since they are driver dependent but we'll try to find a way to move to zenith and halt the tracking as well as resume after doing so.

  3. Linda Thomas-Fowler

    That seems like it would be a lot more general than a driver dependent park setting. What you are describing is exactly what I was hoping for.

    typos courtesy of iPad

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