Time rollover

Issue #1263 closed
Frank Zoltowski created an issue

This is probably common to all versions, but I noticed it when the nights got longer and a system change. I set all my observing pcs to UTC and I noticed that NINA will consider a time after 1200 as the previous day. This means that when I want to stop imaging at astronomical dawn (now right after 1200 UTC), it will not run that sequence step as it assumes it already exceeded the time limit. One can set time for before 1200 and inch it up and see the time increment until completion then when 1200 is entered, it goes to zero. This also seems to effect the twilight/day/night/object elevation graphic on the advanced sequence target display, but I can live with that. One fix is to use the pc clock plus the longitude of the observer to determine a rough local noon for rollover or create a variable in the configuration setup for the local noon rollover.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    In the 3.x versions the rollover behavior is already adjusted.

    For the time loop conditions and wait for time conditions the roll over will be at dawn

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