Pegasus Indigo Filter Wheel - Filters not showing up on NINA

Issue #1264 resolved
Syed Taha created an issue

I’m migrating over to NINA and having issues with my Pegasus Indigo FW. I have the latest versions of ASCOM, Pegasus Unity, NINA and FW firmware. Connection isn’t a problem, but when the FW connects there is no list of filters on the right hand side (see attached screenshot). Would appreciate any help! Thanks

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Did you set up the filter names in the ascom setup?
    Also clear out the list of cached filters in options > equipment > filter wheel befor connecting again after setting the names

  2. Syed Taha reporter

    Thanks Stefan. I didn’t realise I had to name the filters within NINA itself. Just did that and seemed to work!

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