Continue OAG guiding even filter is being changed with filter offset option

Issue #1266 resolved
Jinyoung Heo created an issue


The guiding is stopped and resumed when filter switching happens if all of the three below conditions are met:

  • OAG guiding, and stop guiding during the autofocusing option is on.
  • Using Filter offset is on
  • Filter switching happen

I tried NB imaging, and I set up a sequence to execute a loop of [OIII * 3 → HA * 3 → SII * 3 → dithering] based on the filter offset. What I found is whenever filter change happens, the focuser moves by the offset, and guiding is stopped and resumed. The reason for the sequence structure is to reduce the total time for dithering by 1/3 as well as reducing the total time for autofocusing with the filter offset. However, since every filter switching causes a guiding stop and resuming (plus settling), the benefit decreases.

Can we have a sort of option to continue guiding even if the three conditions are met altogether?



Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    if you want to continue guiding during a filter change, there is an option in options > equipment > filter wheel to do so. Is this not sufficient?

  2. Jinyoung Heo reporter

    Oh, I didn’t know there was a dedicated option for it. Let me mark this issue as resolved first. I’ll try it next time and come back here if it does not work.


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