Smart Exposure filter is checked/set only during start of instruction, this can lead to wrong filter used.

Issue #1271 resolved
Peter De Groot created an issue

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Lets say you started a “Smart Exposure” instruction: 20 images with Ha filter etc… Now for some reason or another you have to stop the sequence after 4 images already taken (a fury friend nocked the telescope 😁 ) So you do polar alignment, slew, focus, plate solve. And then you continue the sequence but forgot that the filterwheel now selected the L filter (platesolve!). The sequence now continues the “Smart Exposure” for the remaining 16 images but with the wrong filter!

Steps to Reproduce

  • Make sequence with “Smart Exposure” instruction 20 images Ha filter selected.
  • Start sequence, after 4 or so stop sequence.
  • switch filter to any other filter lets say L.
  • Continue sequence.

Expected behaviour

Filer should swap to Ha again. Should check/set the right filter before each exposure. In 99% of the cases nothing will happen because the right filter is already selected, so no delay will occur, but if the filter is not the correct one the right filter will be selected.

Actual behaviour

Keeps using current selected filter.

Comments (7)

  1. Peter De Groot reporter

    Yes…sort of…but not entirely. If you stop the sequence lets say on image 11, sequence stops…then somewhere filter changes… start sequence → retakes images 11 with the wrong filter !!! then images 12 will set the right filter. Just saying…5 minutes down the drain…

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    I tried this in 3.0 nightly 86 and it will switch the filter when i cancelled the exposure, stopped the sequence and changed the filter and restart the sequence.

  3. Peter De Groot reporter

    One moment you cancel the exposure, then stop the sequence…

    Try start sequence in middle of imaging → stop sequence, then change filter → start sequence.

    Every time I do this de sequence retakes the cancelled imaging, this is OK except for the wrong filter the next image will set the right filter. If needed I can make a video.

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