Presenting imaging and equipment status with REST for consumption by other applications

Issue #1274 open
Kumar Challa created an issue


I am wondering if it is possible request a feature to expose imaging information over REST API as JSON from within NINA. I have looked at using Ground Station for this but I have not found a way to do this through it.

Example Use case:

The following data is available and can be ingested by for example, Home Assistant to provide a dashboard for image progress status. Or this can be ingested into a time series databaseto be visualized by Grafana etc.

  • Target (Name, coordinates, time remaining above horizon etc.)
  • Image type (light/fllat/darkflat etc.)
  • Exposure details (duration, gain etc.)
  • Sequence details (Current imaging parameters, remaining time on target etc.)
  • Equipment status

    • Focuser position
    • Mount: Park/Home position

Basically what this project is aiming to do but from within NINA itself. Thank you so much!

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