Quality of life improvement suggestion for text fields

Issue #1275 open
Kumar Challa created an issue

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  • 2.3 HF2


In advanced sequencer, selecting and highlighting text in fields is somewhat inconsistant. This makes replacing and editing multiple text fields tedius as it is not readily apparent what actions highlight the text.

  1. Clicking on a text box with a single word (for example, the exposure values in 'smart exposure') requires three clicks to select the value.
  2. Triple click on multi word fields (like 'Instruction Set' names) does not select the whole phrase but instead selects the word under the cursor

Steps to Reproduce

Please see the attached screen capture

Expected behaviour

  1. Clicking on a single word text field should select the word on first click
  2. On multi word fields:
    a. Single click to place pointer
    b. double click to select word
    c. triple click to select the whole phrase

Comments (10)

  1. Kumar Challa reporter

    Marc, I use bulk edits frequently of fields like exposure length, counts for subs, MQTT payload settings for the ground station plugin etc. Yeah double click on single word fields works like it should, but triple clicking on multi word fields does not select the whole phrase like it should.

  2. Kumar Challa reporter

    Dale, not just Notepad++ but even on this post, if you triple click on a word, it selects the whole paragraph.

  3. Marc Blank

    You might consider using Sequencer Powerups and Constants (or Variables, depending). It was originally written to avoid changing fields like this repetitively.

  4. Dale Ghent

    You must understand that there are vastly different UI frameworks involved here. Even a web browser’s text field behavior can be further modified by a particular web page’s javascript, not to mention its CSS. Windows has at least 5 mainline UI frameworks, and those are just the ones from Microsoft. Each one has its own little differences like this. As far as NINA goes, it really didn’t have a large number, if any, of multi-line text fields prior to the existence of plugins, so I guess this kind of thing really wasn’t missed. I agree it would be helpful to modify the click behavior of `<TextBox>` to bring it more in line with modal expectations, and it does seem that it’s possible to do. I’m not sure if there’s anything idiosyncratic in NINA’s customized UI widgets that would complicate or prevent it… that’s something Stefan can weigh in on.

  5. Kumar Challa reporter

    Oh don’t get me wrong, I understand web is a completely different animal than WPF. I was just showing it as an example of a case I was referring to where triple click selects the whole field.

  6. Jonathan MacCollum

    I like this suggestion. As an rdp-over-android phone I've just gotten in the habit of triple clicking certain text and my brain has adapted to places where full text is automatically selected on a single click, and getting this consistent would require me to re-adapt but the consistency it brings would be beneficial.+1 vote from me

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