RisingCam HDR mode produces linear noise pattern

Issue #1279 closed
Dan Campbell created an issue

Is the issue reproducible?


Which Version are you running?

Problem occurs with both 3.0 BETA008 and 2.3 HF2


I have the RisingCam ATR3CMOS08300KPA. When I try to use HDR mode with N.I.N.A., I get a linear noise effect that becomes obvious in my processed images unless I keep the image relatively dark.

In version 2.3 HF2 of N.I.N.A., I can only enable HDR mode via the ASCOM driver. With that configuration, I documented my original findings of this issue on Cloudy Nights (https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/896410-linear-noise-cause/), including images of single light frames, stacked and processed final shots, and bias frames. I eventually figured out on my own that the linear noise only occurred when I was using HDR mode and the ASCOM driver. Switching to using the native RisingCam (or the Touptek) driver and then setting the camera to HCG mode removed the linear noise. I highlighted this workaround in a follow-up comment on my original Cloud Nights post.

Today, I have:

The linear noise is still present. See attached bias shot and the log file from taking that bias shot.

Steps to Reproduce

  • See Description above.

Expected behaviour

Noise in light frames and bias frames should be random.

Actual behaviour

Noise in light frames and bias frames is highly linear, resulting in a distracting pattern either when light frames are stacked and stretched or when a single light frame is stretched enough to bring out nebula details.


Screenshot of bias shot, taken at normal size while displayed in Siril:

Screenshot of same bias shot, taken at 2X zoom while displayed in Siril:

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi, you need to report this to the camera vendor. N.I.N.A. simply gets the data from the driver and there is nothing on the N.I.N.A. side that can be done about it.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    I’ve also forwarded this issue to my contact at Touptek. Let’s see if they have an idea about it.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Got an answer. This seems to be a camera firmware issue and you can reach out to your vendor with instructions on how to get it updated. Hope this helps!

  4. Dan Campbell reporter

    I contacted RisingCam and Eddie provided the new firmware file. Installing it seems to have fixed the issue, for both:

    • version 2.3 HF2 of N.I.N.A., with HDR enabled via the ASCOM driver
    • version 3.0 BETA008 of N.I.N.A., with HDR enabled via the RisingCam driver

    I’ve only taken bias frames as a test, and those look good. Now I just need clear skies for the final test…

    Thank you!

  5. Dan Campbell reporter

    Final update: the firmware update for the RisingCam / Touptek ATR3CMOS08300KPA resolved the linear noise issue. I’m now using version 3.0 BETA008 of N.I.N.A., with HDR enabled and have had good results so far. Thank you!

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