further catalog additions

Issue #1285 resolved
Alexander Wrede created an issue

Dear Stefan,

have a new 13.sql in the pipeline with a few corrections of cross matches on the former prepared 12.sql.

Beside new:

  • 100 HCG objects (Hickson's Compact groups of Galaxies - Hickson+ 1982-1994)
  • 294 Supernova Remants (A Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants - Green, 2019)
  • 110 Planetary Nebulaes discovered by french Amateur Astronomers like OU4 (New Planetary Nebulae - Acker, 2016 or Ferrero+ 2016)
  • additonal Asterisms like Little Orion, Napoleons Hat, Golf Putter and a few other were designation is really matching on first look

Could additonally add RCW catalog for observers on Southern Hemisphere but needs an even more carefull cross check with existing NGCs and GUM objects.

I happily upload the file helping to make N.I.N.A. a little more versatile however it is going to make the FramingAssisten even more full as it already got quite packed since the last database update.

Whats your opion?

Best would be to implement a drop down to only draw selected catalogs in the Framing Assistent upon users choice.

Kind regards,

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hey - Let’s put those targets in too.
    I will tackle the problem of too many objects in framing soon, so don’t worry about it. Right now a user can toggle the annotations off too, if it would interfer with the actual framing.

  2. Alexander Wrede reporter

    Fantastic! Will submit the additional database file within today as need some further cross checks.

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