Baader SteelDrive II + NINA Version => SteelGO_II 1.0.8 or higher needed

Issue #1293 on hold
Frank Schmidt created an issue

[YES ] Is the issue reproducible?
[YES] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?

Which Version are you running?

  • NINA Version


  • Baader Steeldrive does not work with NINA Version + ASCOM Platform 6.6 SP2 (
  • NINA Version + ASCOM Platform 6.6 SP2 ( works fine
  • there is no newer version of Baader Ascom Driver

Steps to Reproduce

  • Install / Update to ASCOM Platform 6.6 SP2 (
  • Install Baader Driver “SteelGo_II_Installer_x64.exe“ (date 30.03.2021)
  • Install NINA Version
  • Start NINA, try to connect to Focuser → Error
  • Remove NINA Version, Install NINA Version
  • Start NINA, try to connect to Focuser → works


----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

-------------------Running NINA Version
---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------
---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
--------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0---------------
---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------
----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

2024-03-20T19:27:41.8701|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|71|Found 1 ASI Cameras

2024-03-20T19:27:43.9540|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|160|Found 1 ToupTek Cameras

2024-03-20T19:27:46.9870|INFO|ApplicationVM.cs|CheckASCOMPlatformVersion|78|ASCOM Platform installed

2024-03-20T19:28:00.0415|INFO|FocuserVM.cs|ChooseFocuser|307|Successfully connected Focuser. Id: ASCOM.SteelDriveII.Focuser Name: SteelDrive II Driver Version: 0.1.1


--------------N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy--------------


---------------------Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631---------------------

-------------------------OS Architecture X64--------------------------
-----------------------Process Architecture X64-----------------------
------------------------------.NET 8.0.3------------------------------

--------------------------Processor Count 4---------------------------

--------------------Total Physical Memory 7.78 GB---------------------
----------------Available Space on Drive C:\: 15.64 GB----------------

2024-03-20T19:24:51.3715|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|69|Found 1 ASI Cameras

2024-03-20T19:24:52.9778|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|158|Found 1 ToupTek Cameras

2024-03-20T19:24:54.9871|INFO|ApplicationVM.cs|CheckASCOMPlatformVersion|82|ASCOM Platform installed

2024-03-20T19:25:09.6461|INFO|FocuserChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|67|Found 0 Alpaca Focusers
ASCOM.DriverException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Sybilla.Aoin.Devices.BaaderSteelDrive.ZeroMQ.Client.ZeroMQObject" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "Sybilla.Aoin.Devices.BaaderSteelDrive.ZeroMQ.Client.ZeroMQObject" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.DynamicAccess.CheckDotNetExceptions(String memberName, Exception e)
at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.DynamicAccess.TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, Object value)
at CallSite.Target(Closure, CallSite, Object, Boolean)
at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute2[T0,T1,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1)
at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.ASCOMDevice.set_Connected(Boolean value)
at ASCOM.Com.DriverAccess.Focuser.set_Connected(Boolean value)
at NINA.Equipment.Equipment.AscomDevice1.set_Connected(Boolean value) in C:\\Projects\\nina\\NINA.Equipment\\Equipment\\AscomDevice.cs:line 143 at NINA.Equipment.Equipment.AscomDevice1.<Connect>b__43_0() in C:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\Equipment\AscomDevice.cs:line 237

Comments (11)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Frank,

    this is not something in the realm of N.I.N.A. to fix. This is an issue with the driver where it won't work using the new Framework that N.I.N.A. runs at and needs to be updated. Maybe it's accessing something from the Global Assembly Cache instead of pulling the dependency locally which it should do.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    As an alternative you can try out the Device Hub Focuser and choose your focuser driver inside that one and see if it is able to connect again.

  3. Dale Ghent

    This was first reported in #1235, in August of last year. Not sure if Baader was made aware of the issue or if they have issued an updated driver since then, but it’s worth checking in case they have.

  4. Ruediger

    Hi all,

    Baader has released an updated version, which is working. I have got a direct download from the developer, so I am not sure whether it is publicly available. Just checked the version ID, but it is showing the old one.

    But may be you check a fresh download. If it does not help, please drop a message here. Then we can get in direct contact.


    Update: I have dropped a short mail to Baader.

  5. Frank Schmidt reporter

    Hi Dale,

    Thx for the link to #1235 - there are a bit more details.

    “a component of your focuser’s ASCOM driver is crashing inside the ASCOM driver perhaps due to NINA 3 operating under a .NET 7 environment“

    => I asked Baader for a new “SteelGo II” version. We will see…

  6. Ruediger

    The link is not valid anymore. I am in touch with the developer and also sent him the link to this issue here and asked whether the version was made public.

    I am pretty confident he will react timely. I’ll keep you posted.

  7. Frank Schmidt reporter

    Great! Thanks All!

    Just for completness - the answer from baader as of 22.03.204:

    Antwort: A new Version of SteelGo will be published later this day which fixes the problem.

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