Search for the next sequence number for a filename

Issue #13 resolved
Alistair M created an issue

It seems that when the app is trying to save a particular filename, that it will refuse to overwrite another filename in the same location.

This is fine, but if you stop a sequence and then resume it, it tries to start again from frame number 0001, and so all the images that are already present will prevent the new images from being saved, thus wasting a bunch of good imaging time (I just lost about half an hour of the Eagle nebula like this).

If the Frame number is part of the filename to save, as it usually is, then perhaps the app should try incrementing the frame number until it finds one that will succeed, and then resume the sequence from that frame number.

That way, when I image over multiple evenings, I don't end up losing lots of data before realizing that I'm not saving anything!

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok after I upload the latest nightly this will be fixed. Two changes: 1) Sequence count will now continue when resuming a paused sequence, instead of restarting (except the sequence is altered). 2) When there is a file conflict, the file will get a (#) appended, where # is a number. Similar to how windows copy does it.

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