Autofocus based on time doesn't recognize last autofucus operation time

Issue #1301 resolved
Oleg Ignat created an issue

I have a sequence that includes autofocus based on time and autofocus based on temperature change. At the beginning of the sequence, I force autofocus because it is the right thing to do when you are preparing a session. I expect all subsequent autofocus operations to run relative to this explicit autofocus instruction. This is not now it is programmed to work.

If you pay close attention to the screenshot above, you will notice that Elapsed time say 4322 seconds. That’s the time since the last time this autofocus was triggered. However, I have an explicit autofocus in this sequence before this section. That autofocus just completed.

Please make autofocus trigger based on time relative to the last autofocus operation. This issue causes unnecessary number of autofocus operations delaying data collection.

I am attaching the full log to this ticket.

Comments (4)

  1. Oleg Ignat reporter

    An important thing to note - this autofocus will continue to trigger after every single sub. The only way to fix it, is to delete and add autofocus trigger back.

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